Fine Art Timeline:
A personal exploration of relationship
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Source of Disconnection Focus: Separation from Nature Primary Impact: Biological, Cultural & Economic Secondary Impact: Ancestral, Individual, Descendants The source of separation imbalances in relationship stems from separation from the natural earth. Throughout history man kind separated from nature with the development of civilization, industry and technology progressed. This separation results in an experience of abandonment and disconnection that positions the psyche and emotional body at the survival level operating on a belief of scarcity, that it's either you or me, only one can survive. As a result we have devastation to landscapes and disease in our bodies. This reflects the separation between mind and Body. Such separation is motivated by an egoic desire to dominate and control. Similar to the tendency to control the body with the mind instead of listening and serving, we are also seeking to control the land instead of listening, syncing, and serving. |
Cultural Expression of Disconnection Focus: Acts of War. Separation from Relationship (as modeled by American politics) Primary Impact: Cultural & Governmental Secondary impact: Community, Ancestral/Familial, Individual & biological After observing American presidential election campaigns I documented the competition and aggression between parties. The behavior I observed focused on blaming, competition, denial, and the seeking of power and control instead of service. This reflects a separation based behavior at a global level. The belief here identifying that which is dissimilar as threatening instead of complementary. Separation based relationships create a survivalist motivation: you vs. me, only one can win/survive, survival or the fittest, etc.. Aggression and manipulation become primary tactics because, at this level, trust is no longer available. War and strategy are employed. |
Default Energetics of Being. (Illuminated Portraiture) Focus: Reconnecting to Self, Electromagnetic Field and High Power Primary Impact: Individual Body, Mind, & Spirit Secondary Impact: Familial This series of portraits includes impressions of the Electromagnetic Energy Field surrounding the human form. Studies show that this field varies in size, strength and color depending on one's vitality. It contains the details of a person's past, present and future. These images create a visual for individuals to connect with as they develop a relationship with their energy body. |
Unconscious Connection in External Relationships Tracking energy of relationships without physical form. Focus: Interpersonal interactions. Seeking connection through separateness Primary Impact: Personal Secondary impact: immediate relationships and environments This series examines the power struggles present in common familial and social relationships; those considered acceptable, subtle, or normal that produce tension, hierarchy and manipulation. |
Conscious Connection with Internal Relationships (Spirit & Archetype) Focus: Finding source energy in archetype. Internal and external Primary Impact: Personal. Collective. Secondary impact: immediate relationships and environments, collective relationships and environments. This series charts the discovery of my core relationships with archetypes or aspects of the Self. Acknowledging and giving voice to the many that make up the whole. |
Universal Connection in Relationship to the Whole (Archetype of Creation) Focus: Universal/archetypal connection and movement Primary Impact: Individual and collective Secondary Impact: immediate relationships and environments, unconscious observers. Removing the details of my personal story and physicality, the energy flow of creation follows a universal map. This series explores the flow of creation through abstracted narrative. |