Writings and works sampled from nearly two decades of Anna's exploration of right-relationship, and right use of energy/power.
In 2003 I knew I was dedicating my life to understanding power, and how it can be accessed and activated. In 2007 I was finishing my undergraduate studies in illustration and painting. My true studies were just beginning
Since 2010 I have studied expressions of power in individuals, and relationships. These studies have been self-directed in fields of psychology, indigenous energy medicine practices, 20+ years of relationship assessment with University of Virginia's Graduate Psychology department, various leadership trainings, authentic relating communication training, studies in masculine and feminine polarity and integration, leading conscious feminine and creation groups, and more.
During my course of study I documented my observations through oil paintings and drawings, understanding that this was the best way to embody the information, and learn how to teach it to other visual learners (studies show that over 65% of the population are visual learners. I believe this is a conservative number).
I interpreted power through a variety of lenses, from the blunt physical to the subtle energetic. I distilled the behaviors of power into poles of separation and connection, which can also be understood as navigating the fields of suffering and pleasure, though these do not map onto connection and separation as precisely or predictably as one might imagine.
My paintings have served as a tool to document my personal processes. The chronology of my work becomes a trail of beacons marking my path thus far and the teachings I’ve collected along the way.
Since 2010 I have studied expressions of power in individuals, and relationships. These studies have been self-directed in fields of psychology, indigenous energy medicine practices, 20+ years of relationship assessment with University of Virginia's Graduate Psychology department, various leadership trainings, authentic relating communication training, studies in masculine and feminine polarity and integration, leading conscious feminine and creation groups, and more.
During my course of study I documented my observations through oil paintings and drawings, understanding that this was the best way to embody the information, and learn how to teach it to other visual learners (studies show that over 65% of the population are visual learners. I believe this is a conservative number).
I interpreted power through a variety of lenses, from the blunt physical to the subtle energetic. I distilled the behaviors of power into poles of separation and connection, which can also be understood as navigating the fields of suffering and pleasure, though these do not map onto connection and separation as precisely or predictably as one might imagine.
My paintings have served as a tool to document my personal processes. The chronology of my work becomes a trail of beacons marking my path thus far and the teachings I’ve collected along the way.
2007 - 2010
2007 - 2008
Throughout the Power Series, oppositional forces are consistently demonstrated by the power poles splintering and snapping under pressure. The poles mimic the rigidity and fragility of over-attaching to any belief system at the cost of connection to the present circumstances and people in the present moment. There is generally a brittleness in any attachment is excessive or fixed, regardless of what the attachment may be toward or away from.
Endurance is cultivated in a flexible approach, one that is designed for the exchange of information and energy. Simply put, this means approaching connection with curiosity, and investment in the wellbeing of all involved parties.
Power Series — Sample Concluding Observations:
Rigid belief systems create hard edges in relationship, defining the self based upon that which it is separate from.
When committed to separation, relationships fail to thrive or sustain long-term existence or growth.
Sustainable long-term growth in relationship requires ongoing updates to the perspectives and communications of those involved.
Flexible belief systems create permeable edges in relationship that actively attract opportunities for connection and co-creation.
Flexible people, relationships and systems are more able to adapt to evolutionary requirements and have a stronger potential for long-term survival.
Endurance is cultivated in a flexible approach, one that is designed for the exchange of information and energy. Simply put, this means approaching connection with curiosity, and investment in the wellbeing of all involved parties.
Power Series — Sample Concluding Observations:
Rigid belief systems create hard edges in relationship, defining the self based upon that which it is separate from.
When committed to separation, relationships fail to thrive or sustain long-term existence or growth.
Sustainable long-term growth in relationship requires ongoing updates to the perspectives and communications of those involved.
Flexible belief systems create permeable edges in relationship that actively attract opportunities for connection and co-creation.
Flexible people, relationships and systems are more able to adapt to evolutionary requirements and have a stronger potential for long-term survival.
2010 - 2014
Themes: Discomfort of Reconnection
To release my own attachment to separation I had to shift my vision away from the separation inherent to 3D form, and toward the formless. With no form to reference for imagery, I had to heighten my receptivity and sensitivity to that which is formless. This meant growing my awareness of subtleties and developing skill and language in relating with them. A few examples of these subtleties on the personal level include emotion, thoughts, fear, and belief. Beyond the personal, these include concepts of time, subtle contractions and openings of flow, the content or information within a flow, the seeming source, direction and purpose of the flow, any contortions stagnations or blocks to the flow, and so on.
I began learning how to decipher which energy belonged to me (moving for me from source, or moving by my intention and motivation), and what energy belonged to others. I learned to track energy, similar to how one tracks a physical animal in the wild.
My exploration of connection rooted in the concept of right-relationship, which I learned form the Q'ero shamanic lineage of Peru. How could I live in ways that honor the dignity of all I am in relationship with: all beings, surroundings, and natural forces. This meant finding or creating a balance in relationship with myself, my peers, the earth, the cosmos, and all forces and elements of nature. To create this connection I began by acknowledging the many, many areas of my beliefs and behaviors in which I was not in connection, but favoring separation rooted in fear rather than love (separation or healthy distance or boundaries that are rooted in love can be healthy and in integrity). I identified my own belief systems and patterns of thought in which I was separated from, and rejecting my own history, relationship with my body, and my emotions. The pain of each separation had been quietly rippling out into my external relationships for years, and I'd been blind to it, blaming others for my pain and seeking escape. No more. I took responsibility (and it was profoundly uncomfortable).
To resolve this I began with my attention, noticing what felt out of balance. Being out of balance felt like resentment, bitterness, anger, frustration, annoyance, fear, even entitled, or shameful. These are feelings that were heightened to get my attention. I set intentions one-by-one to create balance, and allowed myself to receive and engage in the opportunities that would inevitably arise to answer my call for balance.
As I did this I put my attention on energy movement through and around our bodies. I perceived shapes and colors that represented blocks within a person's electromagnetic field. These were the imbalances as expressed energetically, creating dense areas of energy that presented as color and shape and blocked the natural flow of energy. It was like seeing an energetic shield prohibiting their most natural and comfortable life expression. This shield kept their energy from moving out to connect, and it kept the energy of others from moving in to connect. Some avenues for energy flow remained open, others required a detour, while still others were totally blocked and stagnated. This energy presented as colored shapes with varying degrees of density. (To be clear, I am not judging the shield, only identifying it as present and detrimental to connection with self and others. I understand these energetic shields are created in the name of protection and safety and that they can be dismantled once in a safe environment. I will speak more on this later.)
I began to paint my perceptions of energy beyond form. Through abstract language I began to paint portraits of myself in relationship with others.
With these intentions and developments, my life began to shift and reorganize in significant ways that slowly deconstructed how I had previously seen, understood and related to life and the world I was participating in.
Initiation — Concluding observation:
As I remove my attention from the predefined roles, labels, and expectations, I contact the more True yet still impermanent nature of my experience in each moment and become unowned. I am free.
As I acknowledge and take responsibility for my present perception of reality, I claim the power needed to transcend old habitual or detrimental patterns and liberate my Creative Center.
I become my real-time Co-Creator of inner Consciousness with surrounding Consciousness.
- The search for Self
- Releasing that which does not serve
- Integrating new wisdom
To release my own attachment to separation I had to shift my vision away from the separation inherent to 3D form, and toward the formless. With no form to reference for imagery, I had to heighten my receptivity and sensitivity to that which is formless. This meant growing my awareness of subtleties and developing skill and language in relating with them. A few examples of these subtleties on the personal level include emotion, thoughts, fear, and belief. Beyond the personal, these include concepts of time, subtle contractions and openings of flow, the content or information within a flow, the seeming source, direction and purpose of the flow, any contortions stagnations or blocks to the flow, and so on.
I began learning how to decipher which energy belonged to me (moving for me from source, or moving by my intention and motivation), and what energy belonged to others. I learned to track energy, similar to how one tracks a physical animal in the wild.
My exploration of connection rooted in the concept of right-relationship, which I learned form the Q'ero shamanic lineage of Peru. How could I live in ways that honor the dignity of all I am in relationship with: all beings, surroundings, and natural forces. This meant finding or creating a balance in relationship with myself, my peers, the earth, the cosmos, and all forces and elements of nature. To create this connection I began by acknowledging the many, many areas of my beliefs and behaviors in which I was not in connection, but favoring separation rooted in fear rather than love (separation or healthy distance or boundaries that are rooted in love can be healthy and in integrity). I identified my own belief systems and patterns of thought in which I was separated from, and rejecting my own history, relationship with my body, and my emotions. The pain of each separation had been quietly rippling out into my external relationships for years, and I'd been blind to it, blaming others for my pain and seeking escape. No more. I took responsibility (and it was profoundly uncomfortable).
To resolve this I began with my attention, noticing what felt out of balance. Being out of balance felt like resentment, bitterness, anger, frustration, annoyance, fear, even entitled, or shameful. These are feelings that were heightened to get my attention. I set intentions one-by-one to create balance, and allowed myself to receive and engage in the opportunities that would inevitably arise to answer my call for balance.
As I did this I put my attention on energy movement through and around our bodies. I perceived shapes and colors that represented blocks within a person's electromagnetic field. These were the imbalances as expressed energetically, creating dense areas of energy that presented as color and shape and blocked the natural flow of energy. It was like seeing an energetic shield prohibiting their most natural and comfortable life expression. This shield kept their energy from moving out to connect, and it kept the energy of others from moving in to connect. Some avenues for energy flow remained open, others required a detour, while still others were totally blocked and stagnated. This energy presented as colored shapes with varying degrees of density. (To be clear, I am not judging the shield, only identifying it as present and detrimental to connection with self and others. I understand these energetic shields are created in the name of protection and safety and that they can be dismantled once in a safe environment. I will speak more on this later.)
I began to paint my perceptions of energy beyond form. Through abstract language I began to paint portraits of myself in relationship with others.
With these intentions and developments, my life began to shift and reorganize in significant ways that slowly deconstructed how I had previously seen, understood and related to life and the world I was participating in.
Initiation — Concluding observation:
As I remove my attention from the predefined roles, labels, and expectations, I contact the more True yet still impermanent nature of my experience in each moment and become unowned. I am free.
As I acknowledge and take responsibility for my present perception of reality, I claim the power needed to transcend old habitual or detrimental patterns and liberate my Creative Center.
I become my real-time Co-Creator of inner Consciousness with surrounding Consciousness.
The result of processing through abstraction was connection, free from labels. This was a connection with the Feminine, an uninhibited voice that emerged from a long silence and "good girl" conditioning, here to offer evidence that nourishment can be available simply through the act of existing. I came to know that the truth of my healing and new connection with Self was not only beautiful to look at, but also beautiful to feel in all its texture and tumult. This positive impact, the connection with others as I connect to self, became my new thread of curiosity.
Abstract healing — Sample Concluding Observations:
My most authentic expression exists beyond form.
As I give voice to my authentic self I magnetize relationship and conversation with the authenticity of others, creating new opportunity for collaboration, shared growth, and new rest in Truth.
Abstract healing — Sample Concluding Observations:
My most authentic expression exists beyond form.
As I give voice to my authentic self I magnetize relationship and conversation with the authenticity of others, creating new opportunity for collaboration, shared growth, and new rest in Truth.
2013 - 2017
This type of transformation is not about fixing. This is about connecting, and loving what is available and true in myself. Abstraction has given me the freedom to love what arises and to acknowledge the absolute beauty of my own experience, even when it is uncomfortable.
Concluding observations:
As I give voice to the invisible aspects of myself through abstract imagery, I see myself with more clarity and care. Perceived reality shifts.
As I release my attachment to form, I deepen relationship with the enduring vibrations of myself.
As I understand that my mind is a participant but not in control of my experience, I receive limitless guidance and inspiration in service of my and our highest good.
Abstraction is the language of our future and evolution.
Concluding observations:
As I give voice to the invisible aspects of myself through abstract imagery, I see myself with more clarity and care. Perceived reality shifts.
As I release my attachment to form, I deepen relationship with the enduring vibrations of myself.
As I understand that my mind is a participant but not in control of my experience, I receive limitless guidance and inspiration in service of my and our highest good.
Abstraction is the language of our future and evolution.
If these vibration fields want to harmonize, to have compatible and mutually met desires, or compatible magnetism the inspiration of a child or spawn of creation is born to make the journey. The final bridging element was allowed through the membrane only because the nucleus gave instructions to provide safe passage to allow beneficial resource in service of the greatest good of this self, Self, and all that is. That root instruction is originally placed by Source as an instruction to preserve not just the life force in form, but the experience of Source Consciousness knowing and learning to Love itself, Our Self, back into an order that feels good and dynamically balanced in connection with functional placements of interconnection organized to serve the parts and whole for long term ease, enjoyment and purpose.
As I paint, and the mind begins to see and understand what Source is delivering through the energy field, nervous system, body, and a lifetime of cultivated skills, it is proof to me that the mind is usually the last one to the party, and still an essential addition to the fun end evolution of unfolding possibilities.
In my paintings and drawings, I continue to meet the aspects of myself that are abstract (or unheld by familiar 3D forms). Some aspects of myself are in harmony, some are organizing into harmony and others are content to roam rogue and free until it is time for them to come into relationship. With each mark I am communicating with or for aspects of myself. Previously drowned out by the chatter and control of mind or external expectations, these aspects become more real and sovereign in their new voice and language. These formerly hidden aspects find their voice, there is finally room for them to be "seen" as I offer witness, and heard as I translate their voice through color, shape and mark (and often accompanying movement, dance, toning and singing). These, my fleet of facets and aspects, have always been here, moving, reflecting and humming light into a rainbow of experience. In a way, they are the truest parts of myself, because they didn't lose themselves in the storms of life.
It is very hard to hear these parts of myself through mind-chatter. When I am in relationships, it can be challenging to discern what is mine, versus what I empathically feel from another person, whether that be in the ways I'm impacted or influenced, or what simply exists within them.
Abstraction as a tool for developing personal awareness
When I view abstract art forms, I experience only myself in response to an image. The art is done. It is sovereign, objective information. So whatever arises within me in response, whether it be admiration, irritation, rejection, celebration, sadness, memories, joy, or otherwise — it is all mine. Judge as I may, the art is neutral, even if its message is not. The charge is in how I respond to it, because I, along with every other view, am the other side of a circuit.
Viewing art can be a practice of choosing what you want to create in a relationship of any type. I can see myself clearly when the Other is not a person, but an artistic reflection of various parts of myself, whether I know them in this body and lifetime or through another. My instinctual (primal) reaction to the art is my woodland symphony of inner voices. Instinct will show me how I orient and find my position in a Gaian sense. My intuitive (subtle energy body) response will show simple resonance or discord through the sensations of opening or closure. It is a step (or many) removed from the physical response, and is able to meet the art as a field, wave, or frequency that I am finding my right resonance or proximity with, to sustain, amplify, harmonize, or preseve my field, waves, and frequencies in alignment, not with a fixed identity through out time, but with my alive presence through my evolving timeline. This is an ongoing practice of tracing the outer world, and tracking for my thoughts, words, opportunities, choices, and actions that radiate who I need to be now so I can be who I want to be next.
When I feel pain or anger in response to a gesture or color on the canvas, I have a choice. Will I accept the discomfort of my anger and all the judgment I may place upon it, or will I allow my anger to be felt, knowing that it already lived inside of me, before this painting came into view. I can ask myself, "What am I angry about? How do I need to acknowledge it and give it voice?" As I become curious about my anger, and own it as mine without blame or attempted escape, I come into deeper connection with myself. I can follow the same process with my joy, and with all emotions.
Practicing with abstract imagery can be simpler, safer, and easier than practicing with a person. Another person will inevitably bring their own "baggage" and variables to the equation, and bring up your baggage and variables. A painting is stimulating yet neutral.
This process can be applied whether you are the viewer or creator of a piece of art. Finding your Self through the color in a painting or the mark of a drawing creates a momentary container of time and space, during which a thought or emotion can be activated and felt with minimal risk.
As I paint, and the mind begins to see and understand what Source is delivering through the energy field, nervous system, body, and a lifetime of cultivated skills, it is proof to me that the mind is usually the last one to the party, and still an essential addition to the fun end evolution of unfolding possibilities.
In my paintings and drawings, I continue to meet the aspects of myself that are abstract (or unheld by familiar 3D forms). Some aspects of myself are in harmony, some are organizing into harmony and others are content to roam rogue and free until it is time for them to come into relationship. With each mark I am communicating with or for aspects of myself. Previously drowned out by the chatter and control of mind or external expectations, these aspects become more real and sovereign in their new voice and language. These formerly hidden aspects find their voice, there is finally room for them to be "seen" as I offer witness, and heard as I translate their voice through color, shape and mark (and often accompanying movement, dance, toning and singing). These, my fleet of facets and aspects, have always been here, moving, reflecting and humming light into a rainbow of experience. In a way, they are the truest parts of myself, because they didn't lose themselves in the storms of life.
It is very hard to hear these parts of myself through mind-chatter. When I am in relationships, it can be challenging to discern what is mine, versus what I empathically feel from another person, whether that be in the ways I'm impacted or influenced, or what simply exists within them.
Abstraction as a tool for developing personal awareness
When I view abstract art forms, I experience only myself in response to an image. The art is done. It is sovereign, objective information. So whatever arises within me in response, whether it be admiration, irritation, rejection, celebration, sadness, memories, joy, or otherwise — it is all mine. Judge as I may, the art is neutral, even if its message is not. The charge is in how I respond to it, because I, along with every other view, am the other side of a circuit.
Viewing art can be a practice of choosing what you want to create in a relationship of any type. I can see myself clearly when the Other is not a person, but an artistic reflection of various parts of myself, whether I know them in this body and lifetime or through another. My instinctual (primal) reaction to the art is my woodland symphony of inner voices. Instinct will show me how I orient and find my position in a Gaian sense. My intuitive (subtle energy body) response will show simple resonance or discord through the sensations of opening or closure. It is a step (or many) removed from the physical response, and is able to meet the art as a field, wave, or frequency that I am finding my right resonance or proximity with, to sustain, amplify, harmonize, or preseve my field, waves, and frequencies in alignment, not with a fixed identity through out time, but with my alive presence through my evolving timeline. This is an ongoing practice of tracing the outer world, and tracking for my thoughts, words, opportunities, choices, and actions that radiate who I need to be now so I can be who I want to be next.
When I feel pain or anger in response to a gesture or color on the canvas, I have a choice. Will I accept the discomfort of my anger and all the judgment I may place upon it, or will I allow my anger to be felt, knowing that it already lived inside of me, before this painting came into view. I can ask myself, "What am I angry about? How do I need to acknowledge it and give it voice?" As I become curious about my anger, and own it as mine without blame or attempted escape, I come into deeper connection with myself. I can follow the same process with my joy, and with all emotions.
Practicing with abstract imagery can be simpler, safer, and easier than practicing with a person. Another person will inevitably bring their own "baggage" and variables to the equation, and bring up your baggage and variables. A painting is stimulating yet neutral.
This process can be applied whether you are the viewer or creator of a piece of art. Finding your Self through the color in a painting or the mark of a drawing creates a momentary container of time and space, during which a thought or emotion can be activated and felt with minimal risk.
2020 - ongoing
My journey described above, was seeded in 2003, initiated in 2008, and culminated a major cycle at the end of 2024. My devotion, and the support I've received along the way, has allowed me to birth these bodies of work into form, and continue learning how to steward them to maturity.
2025 begins a new Cycle as the work continues my joyful task and calling to bridge this material to others, through coaching, trainings, and curriculum that can be implemented in classrooms, counselor's offices, trauma prevention and treatment, and in homes for family and individual healing and fortification.
2025 begins a new Cycle as the work continues my joyful task and calling to bridge this material to others, through coaching, trainings, and curriculum that can be implemented in classrooms, counselor's offices, trauma prevention and treatment, and in homes for family and individual healing and fortification.
Thank you for taking the time to read my notebooks.